As its logo, “The Home of the Helping Hand” suggests, Accessibility, Inc. is here to lend a helping hand to businesses and individuals around the District of Columbia.
Our History
Accessibility, Inc. is an initiative created by humble citizens from different background and fields of trade who have decided to donate their time, energy, and technical know-how to make a difference in the lives of their communities in terms of shared opportunities.
In the 21st century, the question of wealth has shifted from one of availability, to one of accessibility because as the world has generated more wealth, this massive wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few very powerful, leaving the weak and vulnerable with very little or nothing.
As an organization, we strive to help create more access to the basic needs of health care and safety, English language access and communications, basic jobs training in the new technologies, and other areas of challenges to our communities as a means of being on the solutions side of problems.
Our Vision
As a non-profit organization, we believe in the virtues of public service as the most effective means of bringing social and economic justice in our society as a way of checking the nefarious inequality and disruptive fallouts of an ultra-capitalist 21st century world. Our efforts might be a drop in a bucket yet doing nothing cannot be an option. We plan to start our various operations locally and will gradually expand the benefits to other communities here in the USA, and eventually to other parts of the world. We plan to invest in building bridges and partnerships with individuals and organizations who share and espouse our core values and vision. It is in this light that we celebrate our first partnership with the American Red Cross. The Red Cross is the global humanitarian leader, and an organization with an established history of service to humanity and the world.
Our Mission
The main pillar of the Accessibility, Inc. platform will be around training and economic empowerment.
Health & Safety: Our training modules in health and safety will follow strictly the American Red Cross model particularly regarding First Aid and CPR. We shall train to empower young adults with skills of first aid and CPR so they can be helpful during times of emergencies in their communities. We hope to empower them with their first jobs skills in areas like babysitting, caregiving, and nursing assistants.
New Technologies: Accessibility, Inc. shall undertake the training of young citizens in new technologies and the endless job opportunities that come with modern day technological advancement. The acute shortage in this area has, left thousands of job openings unfilled and is now being considered as a national security threat to the US economy. Our efforts will help curb the temporary fix of importing workers in these key areas as it is being done today that leaves a drain on resources.
English Language Access: For newcomers to America, this is a contribution that we hope will help alleviate the setbacks and frustration faced by millions of newcomers to America who have very little or no mastery of the English language. Newcomers with no English language background spend long years being unable to reach their full potentials in the USA because of their shortcomings in the English Language. Our efforts will be targeted at providing Basic English Language training that will help newcomers to be able to navigate and gain access to opportunities that otherwise would have been closed to them.
Customer Service: This will be a blend of our training modules to help our students to be conscious of the importance of customer services in every discipline that they work and hope to succeed in. As we know, customer services cut across all aspects of human endeavor and can make a big difference. This effort is just to confirm that the well-known adage ‘customer is queen’ is still very relevant.
Accessibility, Inc. Board of Directors
Martin N. AYABA LLB, MPA President/CEO
After working as the Lead Project Manager to incorporate Accessibility, Inc., Martin Ayaba is acceding to the helm of the corporation as the pioneer President and Chief Executive Officer. Prior to taking over the lead Project Manager role, Martin worked as the General Manager and Chief Operations Officer of Assurance Health Care Services LLC of Annandale, VA. The company provides care to persons with developmental and behavioral challenges using federal funds. During his tenure, Martin helped to increase the company’s clientele and financial valuation by 100% in just under 2 years. Prior to working for Assurance Health Care Services, Martin worked as a customer service consultant in both Nissan of Bowie, and Toyota of Rockville where he earned multiple salesperson awards.
Martin is an expert in grants and does grant scoring and reviews for multiple government agencies. Martin worked as a journalist for over 15 years and rose to the rank of Managing Editor of a weekly publication. Martin is an American Red Cross instructor in First Aid and CPR.
Martin has an LLB degree in Law and earned his MPA from the University of the District of Columbia. He lives in Washington DC, with his wife Mirabel and three children Carole, Alieh, and Fru.
David Foran Vice President of Development & Training
David is one of the driving forces behind the Accessibility, Inc. project, with a very strong commitment towards the vision of the organization. As an avid student of technology, David studied transnational security issues at George Washington University and Information Security and Assurance at Johnson and Wales University. During the day, he serves as the COO of Red Sun Information Systems. He is currently working to establish partnerships with various businesses and organizations in the DMV. With his experience working on providing IT services to small organizations and conducting Enterprise level Risk Analysis services, he is the Board of Director member charged to oversee training to help candidates enter the workforce.
David also served in the Marines, doing a tour in Afghanistan providing logistics training to the Afghan National Army.
We are happy to have David use his multiple talents to serve this BOD and the community.
Guy B. Marcel MBA, CPA Member
Guy is an established manager with an extensive background in banking, forensic accounting, financial engineering, and public service management. He earned his MBA from the University of the District of Columbia. As Board member, Guy Marcel brings a wealth of valuable experience to help our organization build a solid financial foundation and to deliver optimum services to the needy. Guy is a staunch Christian and a very principled man. He is a resident of the District of Columbia and spends his spare time enjoying life with his young son.
Get in Touch
Call us at 202-507-8669 if you wish to speak to an administrator. We will be happy to answer any inquiries you might have about our organization, services, and staff.